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Brandon Guthmiller (Class of 2018)

Brandon Guthmiller, born and raised in Lethbridge, graduated from Immanuel Christian Secondary School in 2018.  After a two-year break from schooling, Brandon began the Criminal Justice Program at the Lethbridge College (now Lethbridge Polytechnic) in January 2020.  In 2021, he earned his security license and began working for the Commissionaires in July of that year and is currently still employed there.  Brandon graduated with his Criminal Justice diploma in May 2024.

Something that formed Brandon as a teenager was his 3 years in the army cadets - “Cadets helped me grow up, be more confident, and helped me in other ways.”  He remembers fondly teachers at ICSS encouraging him about his work with the army cadets.  That experience with the army cadets propelled Brandon towards a career in the armed forces, which is where he feels God is calling him to.

Brandon was accepted to the Canadian Armed Forces earlier this month and is now officially Private Guthmiller.  Currently serving as a reservist, Brandon is a Gunner (Artillery), stationed at the 20th Independent Field Battery located near the airport.

Next steps for Brandon will be completing his Basic Military Qualification BMQ) in the summer, as well as ongoing classes with his unit, learning specifics about the military and the occupation he has chosen.  “I am looking forward to the challenges that will who up in my military journey.  I would also encourage others who want to help serve Canada, looking for adventure and challenges.” 

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