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Spring Bazaar!

Planning has begun for the Spring Bazaar!  The same fun, shopping and food that you've enjoyed every November is now happening on Saturday, April 5.  

There are many ways for you to be involved, including:

  • Volunteer!  This event doesn't happen without volunteers, including opportunities to help at the sale tables, serving food, helping in the KidZone and more.  Please sign up here!
  • Bake!  Please consider baking something to donate to the bake sale table - bread, cookies, squares, loaves, whatever strikes your fancy.
  • Provide Auction Items!  We are collecting items for the annual auction, which will be taking place both online and live.  We ask that donated items have a minimum $50 value and gift-in-kind tax receipts are available with proof of value.  Be creative with your ideas - camping equipment, outdoor games, yard tools, gift cards, experiences, the sky is the limit!
  • Collect Auction Items!  Another great way to support the auction is to ask local businesses that you are connected with to donate an item for the auction.  The business will get recognition in our  school community and money is raised for the school - win-win!!

We're excited about this event and look forward to a day of fun and fellowship together.  Watch your email for details or check back here for updates.

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