Store Cards are a great opportunity offset school fees without spending an extra cent! It is a credit earning program that works while you shop, meaning everyday purchases can generate earnings. 100% of the credit earned goes to your designated school fee account.
Anyone can participate in the Store Cards program and earn credit for either their own family, an appointed or future family, or designate towards a family seeking fee assistance (anonymous). ICS doesn’t only offer grocery Store Cards, but also offers Store Cards for coffee, dining, entertainment and many other options with varying rates of return, from 1-10%. What a great way to make Christian education more affordable!
Store Cards can be purchased through the Society office. There are many card options in stock at all times, but some will need to be ordered in advance. You can download the order forms below or fill one out at the office.
Orders can be submitted to: with the forms linked below.
Payment: preference for e-transfer; cash and cheques are accepted. Please make cheques payable to: ICS Store Cards
Please order using the Instant Form for groceries/etc., and the Family Form for a more extensive list of stores.