2020-2021 Registration Info

The Lethbridge School Division will be proceeding with registration as follows:
Kindergarten: (click title for forms) Registration begins on January 20, 2020, for Kindergarten in all Lethbridge School Division elementary schools – We are not able to accept Kindergarten registrations before this time. Please include a copy of birth certificate along with admissions forms.
Early Education Program (EEP): (click title for forms) There will be an "Intent to Register" process for Early Education Programs as we are not yet in a position to be able to know all the details of programming.
January 27 - "Intent to Register" process begins for children already in a Lethbridge School Division EEP, who will continue with a second year of EEP in 2020-2021. These children must have been attending EEP during the month of December in order to be considered as a "continuing child". EEP fees for the current year must be up-to-date in order to register for the 2020-2021 school year. All continuing children, including children eligible for PUF, must pay the $40 registration fee.
February 3 - "Intent to Register" begins for north and south side EEP programs. Families will need to bring all the necessary registration requirements ($40 registration fee paid, proof of birth certificate/completion of form to get a birth certificate and showing some other legal document that provides proof of legal name and birthdate).
If you have any questions about the Early Learning programs, please contact the ICES office at 403-317-7860.
Age Requirements for Kindergarten and EEP:
- Students eligible for Kindergarten must be 5 years old as of December 31, 2020. Kindergarten is a full day, half-time program at Immanuel Christian Schools (2-3 days per week for the full day).
For Early Education, children must be a minimum of 3 years old as of September 30 of the school year they are entering, for 2 half days per week (Mon/Wed morning or Tues/Thurs morning). Children who turn 3 between September 30 and December 31, 2020, may enter the Early Education Program after they turn 3 providing there is space available at that time. If a 3 year old child has an identified severe delay, they may access 4 mornings of programming.
Program will be available for children turning 4 by December 31/2020 either 2 half days per week (Mon/Wed morning or Tues/Thurs morning) or 4 half days per week (Monday through Thursday mornings).
- For forms and more information: Admissions